Sunday 17 January 2010

The Elearning System in my school

The e-learning system in my school is e-class. I only make annoucements through it. One thing that I what to mention is the Campus TV in our school. I am the teacher-in-charge of CTV and I found that CTV can serve as an excellent platform for language learning. Students can put programs on it and we can organise different kinds of programs eg News Report, Weather Forecast, Forum on current issues and broadcast through it. This can help to create and enhance the English environment.


  1. Hi there! I am a big fan of using video in language teaching - especially video projects generated by the students themselves. Do you ever get your students to create their own news reports/weather forecasts?

  2. I make use of the news(interesting ones) as the teaching part and ask my students to rewrite them(they are heavily guided). Then, I 'll ask them to form groups and deliver their own piece of news reports in class. Different roles in the presentation: anchor, reporter, expert, eye-witness. They have to write the scripts and role-play the interview. Some best ones will be video-taped.
