Monday 25 January 2010

week3 reading learning goal

The article is talking about how to use Internet for English teaching as the topic suggests. There are four sections: learning goals, teaching guidelines, planning tips and finally, some samples are given. Teachers should help students to achieve active and creative mastery of new technologies, to develop autonomous learning strategies, to co-operate and collaborate with other partners, to communicate effectively with people from different cultures and interpret information from varied cultural contexts and to think critically.

I think the learning goals are not so focused on the skills and knowledge but on attitude cultivation. All in all, the goals are, to a large extent, training students to be citizens in the global village. The vast and border less influx of information and the seems-to-be relatively free learning atmosphere require people to be good communicators and to be highly self-disciplined. Though CALL, students can obtain an environment to interact with different people in the world. Thus, in addition to the above learning goals, I think teaching the net etiquette is essential for communication. Besides, teaching the strategies to make comments politely and positively is also an essential teaching goal. This involves language teaching. Last but not least, teachers should also teach students how to protect their privacy on the Net.

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